Nuovo Ospedale S.Giuseppe - Empoli
Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Chirurgiche, Anestesiologiche e dell'Emergenza - Università di Pisa

Prostatic biopsy

Prostatic biopsy consists in the removal of tissue fragments to exclude the presence of prostate cancer. This examination is performed by transrectal puncture during transrectal prostate ultrasound.
The method involves the need to practice multiple punctures during the same session (at least 10 to 12) in order to have significant sampling for histological examination. Prostate biopsy is preceded by the execution of a local anesthesia in order to reduce the patient’s discomfort, which in most cases is confined to sensation of the probe in the rectum.

In order to be able to undergo the examination, the Patient will have to comply with the following rules:

1. Showing the results of the following laboratory exams:

  • PSA
  • Coagulation exam (PT, PTT, INR)
  • If the patient is taking anti-inflammatory drugs (eg aspirin, tiklide) or oral anticoagulants (eg coumadin), your doctor will need to replace it with calciparine or fraxiparine at least 2 weeks before the examination.

2. Practice oral antibiotic therapy (eg chinolone) from day one and continue for three consecutive days

The procedure is provided in outpatient care.

The patient must show up with two prescriptions from his/her own medical practitioner for:

  1. echo guided transrectal prostate biopsy
  2. histological examination of prostate biopsy

The possible complications of prostate biopsy are:

  • Urinary sepsis (incontinence)
  • Hematuria and/or rectal bleeding (the presence of a small amount of blood in the urine, stools and semen, in the following days or more rarely in the weeks following the examination is to be considered normal, and therefore not to be considered a complication).

In the event of substantial blood loss via urine or rect, urinary retention or high fever, the Patient must contact the Emergency Room.

After 10-15 days from the procedure, the patient will have to contact this Department by telephone (050.993000 – 050.992413) in order to verify the availability of the histological response. The patient will then be summoned to collect the response.

Contacts & appointments

Centro Medico San Luca
(presso Check up Medical Center)
via Romana Traversa II, 35
0583 495473
0583 080338

via del Mare, 76/A
347 6439874

Centro le Querciole
via di cisanello 1/A
347 6439874

Centro Salus
via Chiara, 111
0571 711818

Cellulare privato:
347 6439874

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