It consists in assessing the extent of the urethral lumen not completely obliterated and the distance of the urethral sub-stenosis of the external urethral meatus.
It provides useful information for the choice of therapeutic strategy to be adopted.
Technical Description:
It is performed with semirigid catheters, of size adequate to what is intended to be studied on a case-by-case basis. In the woman for the calibration of the external urethral meatus, the use of “bougie à boule” is indicated which, for their particular design, allow to highlight the degree of shrinkage possibly present.
Preparation for intervention:
Antibiotic prophylaxis is deemed useful in men; not indispensable in the calibration of only the external meatus in women.
Type of anesthesia:
Type of hospitalization:
None, if it is limited to a sole calibration and not a dilatation (see 58.6 Urethral Dilatation).