It is a small benign vascular tumor, of the size of a pea, which develops on the back wall of the external urethral orifice. It mostly occurs after menopause.
Estrogen deficiency.
No special diagnostic tests are required.
Differential diagnosis:
It must put against:
- a malignant neoplasm typical of the urethra;
- a senile urethritis (inflammation of the typical urethra of the post-menopausal age often associated with a polyploid reaction of urinary meatus and which is the most common cause of neo formations in this region: the diagnosis of senile urethritis can be done by evaluating the Patient’s estrogenic status and response to hormone replacement therapy);
- Condyloma;
- a urethral vein thrombosis (it is presented as painful, bluish-like, similar to a thrombotic hemorrhoid, which affects the back wall of the urethral orifice and which regresses without treatment);
- a urethral prolapse (commonly encountered, it is more common in children or paraplegics).
It is indicated only in symptomatic forms; It consists in the simple removal of the formation with subsequent suture of the healthy urethral mucosa to the vaginal mucosa, after placing an urethral catheter.
Histologic examination of a urethral caruncle appears as a connective tissue rich in inflammatory cells and blood vessels, covered by hyperplastic epithelium.
Possible stenosis of the external urethral meatus.
Relapses are possible.